Menopause Advice: Sexual Dysfunction

Menopause and Sexual Dysfunction - Hormone Health
In support of World Menopause Day 2024 we asked Hormone Health Associate Dr Imogen Shaw to share her thoughts on menopause and and sexual dysfunction.

“As we age sexual health, and well-being can significantly affect our quality of life.  

Sexual dysfunction at the menopause and beyond is a common problem, but sadly often treated like the elephant in the room, with older women finding it difficult to talk about sexual health issues, and healthcare professionals often hesitant to ask about this rather taboo subject.

Lots of things can contribute to sexual problems through the menopausal transition and beyond. A drop in oestrogen levels at the menopause leads to thinning of the vaginal lining, and less lubrication, which can lead to discomfort with intercourse.

Other medical or gynaecological problems as we age can also lead to difficulty with sexual functioning. The partner’s sexual functioning also needs to be looked at as well, as there may be a combination of problems that is leading to poor communication between couples.

At Hormone Health we can do plenty to help optimise your sexual well-being. 

  • We can assess your medical history, sexual history, and obstetric and gynaecological history, with any necessary examinations sensitively performed. 
  • We must not forget that sexually transmitted diseases can be caught at any age, but these can be screened for and easily treated. 
  • We can discuss lubricants and moisturisers, HRT or vaginal oestrogen to help with intercourse.
  • Pelvic floor muscle training helps to improve the strength of the vaginal tissues. 
  • We can help optimise hormone levels to ensure that women feel their best with stable oestrogen levels to aid good quality sleep and a stable mood.”

Dr Imogen Shaw Blog Photo - Hormone Health

Dr Imogen Shaw has particular expertise in women’s health around the menopause, she lectures nationally and educates local GPs. She was a member of the committee involved in writing the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines for menopause in 2015. 
Dr Imogen Shaw


More from Dr Imogen Shaw

In this blog article Dr Imogen Shaw explores the effects of low libido and the treatment options including testosterone therapy.

Read blog

Arrange a consultation

Every woman’s experience with menopause is unique, and at Hormone Health, we are committed to providing exceptional care for women as they move through this phase of their life. 

If you are experiencing perimenopause or menopause symptoms, please get in touch to arrange a consultation with Dr Imogen Shaw or one of our Hormone Health Associates.

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