First over the counter clinically proven treatment for vaginal atrophy after menopause

For the first time ever in the UK, postmenopausal women will be able to access Gina 10 microgram vaginal tablets without requiring a prescription.

Ms Annie Hawkins, Hormone Health Associate and BMS Menopause Specialist comments:

“We are delighted to hear that women will have easier access to low dose vaginal oestrogen tablets with the release of GINA as an over-the-counter product.

Vulvo-vaginal atrophy and Genitourinary syndrome of the Menopause are extremely common conditions that cause a lot of distress to women after the menopause, with issues such as discomfort during intercourse and recurrent urinary infections that have a big effect on quality of life. We would always recommend that women have a physical check up with a doctor if they are experiencing symptoms, to reach the right diagnosis, however, this gives women more options in accessing care from a pharmacist. We know that there is minimal absorption and minimal risk from vaginal oestrogens and treatment needs to be ongoing and consistent, so this is a positive step for women’s health.”

Comment by Ms Annie Hawkins, Hormone Health Associate, Consultant Gynaecologist.

For more details and to read the full press article please visit the British Menopause Society website.

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