Premenstrual Disorders Academic Research

Emotional processing in people with premenstrual difficulties & “healthy controls” – online study
This study aims to explore whether individuals who have premenstrual difficulties process their emotions differently to those who don’t experience premenstrual difficulties. How we process our emotions involves how we think about our emotions and what we do when strong emotions arise in us. Our long-term aim is to help improve the current approach to diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and support for individuals who experience premenstrual difficulties.
Looking for:
Women/AFAB individuals 18yo+. You should have regular periods (21-35 days) and have had a period within the last 90 days. You can apply if you experience premenstrual difficulties or if you have never experienced any. You cannot be taking SSRIs or any hormone influencing medications (hormonal contraceptives such as the pill, patch, implant, injection and vaginal ring, as well as meds like testosterone for gender confirmation treatment). You cannot be pregnant, breastfeeding, currently in menopause, or have gynaecological diseases such as endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome.
We are also looking for:
Women/AFAB individuals 18yo+ with no current/past premenstrual difficulties and no current/past mental health difficulties.
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Find out more:
This is a King’s College London Doctoral Project.
Contact Trainee Clinical Psychologist Ellen Lambert ( for further information and to apply.
Study team: Ellen Lambert (Trainee Clinical Psychologist, DClinPsy), Professor. Trudie Chalder (Professor of Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy) and Professor. Myra Hunter (Emeritus Professor of Clinical Health Psychology).