Hormone Health Associates attend the BMS 33rd Annual Scientific Conference

The British Menopause Society (BMS) 33rd Annual Scientific Conference took place on 27th-28th June 2024.
At Hormone Health we continually strive to stay updated with the latest developments and treatment options around menopause and women’s health. The BMS conference is one way to achieve this as it provides a comprehensive programme of lectures to refresh and broaden knowledge of post-reproductive health.
BMS Conference highlights
Several Hormone Health Associates were fortunate enough to be at the conference and have the opportunity to meet and share information with colleagues and attend the insightful lectures.
Here are some of the key highlights that our team took away from the conference:
“A great opportunity to catch up with colleagues and have access to the most up-to-date information about menopause management available”
Dr Justine Panay
“A really great meeting, I will still be measuring estradiol when going up into unlicensed doses.”
Dr Imogen Shaw
“There is a new medication for vasomotor systems like hot flushes and night sweats, which is non-hormonal and can be safely prescribed for women, who have had breast cancer. It is currently only available on private prescription.”
Dr Liz McCulloch
“Artheroma begins in women in the teens – by menopause over 70% of women will have developed thickening of their arteries with fatty deposits. Good diet and lifestyle is non-negotiable to manage cardiovascular risk.”
Nigel Denby, Registered Dietitian
“There was a lot of variety at the meeting with some well researched, practical presentations including whether we need to measure perimenopausal oestrogen.”
Prof Mary Ann Lumsden
“We learnt about LOOP in the perimenopause”
Ms Annie Hawkins
Professor Nick Panay
Hormone Health Founder and Director, Professor Nick Panay, presented a fantastic lecture at the conference on ‘Perimenopause – what, when and how do we treat?’ His lecture was very well received by conference delegates.
Prof Panay said, “It was a privilege to speak at the BMS Conference and an excellent opportunity to meet and exchange information with colleagues.
I am pleased that so many of our Hormone Health Associates were able to attend and take advantage of the insightful lectures. We continually endeavour to stay up to date with the latest developments in menopause treatment and the BMS Conference is one way to achieve this.”
About the BMS
The British Menopause Society (BMS) is the specialist authority for menopause and post-reproductive health in the UK. Established in 1989, the BMS educates, informs and guides healthcare professionals, working in both primary and secondary care, on menopause and all aspects of post-reproductive health.
Thank you to the British Menopause Society for an extremely informative event.
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